
Our team


Being a ballet dancer as a kid and a demonstration team dancer as a teenager, Elien was always destined to continue in the danceworld somehow. Today, she’s a competition dancer in Latin & Ballroom – together with her partner Robin – and is a very enthusiastic Zumba teacher. Whether you want to ‘shake your ass’ in a Zumba class or want to learn the secrets of Ballroom dancing; with her smile, cheerfulness and endless enthusiasm, she will make sure you step out of her classes happy and relaxed !

Elien is also our graphic designer and usability expert. She’s always happy to put her professional experience and knowledge into action for the purpose of the promotion of dance and sports!

Languages: Dutch, French, English


Robin is a competition dancer in Latin & Ballroom (both disciplines). Together with his dance partner Elien, they teach Ballroom dancing to anyone who would like to get to know the secrets of this wonderful sport. His profound interest and curiosity in the movement of the body and its well-being makes him an excellent Pilates teacher. For all those who want to combine modern exercise principles with proven and accepted practices in biomechanics, rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement; pilates is the perfect sport. Robin will teach you how to perform at your best in a friendly – yet efficient way.

Languages: French, Dutch, English

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As an experienced Meditation & relaxation practitioner, Gabrielle will help you focus on your emotions, thoughts and sensations in an accepting and non-intentional way. Meditatian & relaxation are gaining a growing popularity as a practice in daily life. Being defined as moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, characterized mainly by “acceptance” – attention to thoughts and feelings without judging whether they are wright or wrong. It helps to focus the human brain on  what is being sensed at each moment, instead of on its normal rumination on the past or on the future.

Languages: French, Dutch, English